I have a secret blog. I've been writing it for the past six months.
Now, blogger's who keep "secret blogs" have various reasons, but none like mine. "Secret blogs" are often confessionals detailing parts of the bloggers life that they don't want anyone to see, or know who's writing those thoughts, but still wants to get the thoughts into cyberspace. Indeed, many of the "secret blogs" are about sex, or at the very least crushes. Others might be behind the scenes accounts of their work place... a sort of place to rant and/or gossip. The reasons go on and on...
But my secret blog could best be described as a crime fighting blog using a secret identity. My crime fighting blog has a central villain who is revealed to be more and more corrupt every day. But in spite of my secret identity, he was eventually able to reveal my name...
With that in mind, I believe its time to pull back the curtain. Coming into this blog so late in the game may require a recap, which I should post over the next few days.
In the meantime, if anyone wants a direct link to the secret blog in advance, just email me at unsomnambulist at gmail dot com.