I know, I promised pictures and a wrap up of my visit in Ohio. My only excuse is that I had to prioritize disk space to my third Group 101 project which is keeping me from putting anything new on my hard drive. Film techies might understand, and everyone else probably doesn't care, so I'll leave it at that for now.
Anyway, I barely edited a rough cut of my third Group 101short film by the deadline. It was so rough it lacked a soundtrack, titles, and I even had to screen it from my laptop which isn't made for more than one person to view at a time. The short isn't something I'm going to include on my reel or promote like crazy, but I'll post it here when I get it finished for the sake of calling it done. Its called "The Bag", and was shot with no script, and an idea that was thought up thirty minutes before shooting began. We also ran out of daylight before we finished, so I've had to get creative in the edit to make the ending seem climactic. This was shot on a really old, consumer grade miniDV camera, and co-directed by fellow Group 101er Jason Sax, and used one cast member. Its a thriller. The bad guy is a bag. Yeah - its weird. But, a learning experience in the edit, which makes it all worth it.
Earlier today I decided I was gon=ing to quit looking for work until the beginning of January, and could just prep cover letters and such until then. The tonite, as I was heading out the door to see a screening of "The Bourne Supremacy", I got a call from an event producer I hadn't heard from in a couple years, asking if I was available January and February to run a series of events for a major shoe company. I'll meet with her and a shoe company big wig on Thursday night to discuss.
More later.